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南平塑木栅栏 护栏厂家直销各种规格

2019/8/30 0:56:41发布151次查看

它是人类尊重自然的产物木塑材料是将树脂和木质纤维材料按一定比例混合,经高温、挤压、成型等工艺制成一定形状的复合型材。由于木塑材料的基础为树脂和木质纤维,所以决定了其自身具有塑料和木材的特性:具有抗紫外线、着色性能良好、隔热、绝缘、耐温、防腐、抗酸碱、可锯、可刨、可钉、有木质感、其材料制品容易加工、制作方便、不易变形;机械性能优于木质材料等特点,并可100%回收再生产,是真正的绿色环保产品。木塑材料可代替木材、塑料等,主要用于包装、建材、家具、物流等行业.随着人们对木塑材料的认识不断提高,木塑材料技术水平不断提高,还应用于汽车内装饰、建筑外墙、装饰装潢、户外地板、复合管材、铁路枕木等领域。由于保护环境观念的加强美国建筑工业开始寻找像木材一样的替代材料(不腐2蚀、不翘曲、维修方便、外观与木材相似),而韩国和日本的纸、木材加工厂为寻求锯木粉、废木屑等的应用。这些都推动和加速了木塑复合材料的研究和应用开发。把木粉填充配混料加工成建筑和结构用型材是目前挤出行业最活跃的领域之一,新开发应用也层出不穷。不少国家投入力量加快开发和应用步伐,尤其是型材的生产,被称为是一个“热门”市场。wpc的主要特点: ① 社会经济性好,可持续发展,特别适于我国“保护森林”的国策; ② 耐用、寿命长,类似木质外观,比塑料硬度高; ③具有优良的物性,比木材尺寸稳定性好,不会产生裂缝、翘曲、无木材节疤、斜纹,加入着色剂、覆膜或复合表层可制成色彩绚丽的各种制品; ④具有热塑性塑料的加工性,容易成型,用一般塑料加工设备或稍加改造后便可进行成型加工。加工设备新投入资金少,便于推广应用; ⑤有类似木材的二次加工性,可切割、粘接、用钉子或螺栓连接固定; ⑥利于装潢、装饰,可涂漆美化,产品规格形状可根据用户要求调整,灵活性大; ⑦ 不怕虫蛀、耐老化、耐腐蚀、吸水性小、不会吸湿变形; ⑧能重复使用和回收再利用,可生物降解,保护环境; ⑨ 利于环境保护,可用废弃木屑、农作物纤维和废弃塑料作材料;
⑩ 资源丰富,费用低廉,低使用成本。构型设计木塑复合材料挤出过程中,螺杆的构型起着十分重要的作用。合理的螺杆结构能降低螺杆与木纤维的摩擦,产生适当的剪切和分散混合,使含有大量木粉的物料体系能很好的均匀塑化。
jiangsu fred\'splastic wood technology co., ltd. is located in the beautifulscenery of the taihu lake, yixing city xu s high and new technologydevelopment zone, east faces the taihu lake, the yangtze river inthe north, 104 national road, hangzhou highway, xiyi highway,shanghai-nanjing expressway, the geographical position is superior,the traffic is very convenient.thecompany covers an area of 150 mu, building area of more than 150square meters, the company the first phase of investment $2.9, theintroduction of foreign advanced technology, focusing on researchand development and production of new plastic wood environmentalprotection material.company\'s existingwood plastic environmental protection material 30 automatedproduction lines, annual production capacity of 36000 tons, phaseii production line will be increased by 100, annual generatingcapacity of 120000 tons.will be one ofthe largest production base of wood plastic in china.
fred\'s economic strength, advanced equipment,with perfect plastic wood products production line and productiontechnology, has strong product development capability andproduction capacity.company in theproduction process, design, management and so on each link has ahigh level, highly educated professional and technical personneland production process of continuous innovation, aim at for thedomestic and foreign customers with high quality, low price,superior performance, new type of outdoor environmental protectionmaterial.
fred\'s plastic wood is agreen energy conservation and environmental protection products,products with natural wood texture, colour and lustre, simple senseand high polymer material characteristic of waterproof, fireprevention, moth-proofing, ultraviolet resistance, acid and alkaliresistance, abrasion resistance, avoid lacquer a molding, can berecycled.fred\'s plastic wood hasanti-aging, no rust, no cracks, deformation, do not waste,maintenance free, big, long service life, etc.our product can dig, nails, drilling, chop, adapting todifferent specifications of any hardwareaccessories.product appearancebeautiful, simple installation, easy maintenance, save time andeffort, efficient, convenient, can meet customers\' variousneeds.
fred\'s with shanghai tongji university,nanjing forestry university and other research institutions closecooperation, as well as internationally famous plastic woodtechnology and comprehensive technical communication equipmentmanufacturing company, formed its own core technology, has a numberof authorized patent, now we have developed more than 50 varietiesof wood plastic products.we also invitetsinghua design team tailored for the enterprise the overall imagedesign, long-term design conforms to the trend of the times leadingwood plastic industry products, to improve image of companyculture, in order to reach the goal of first-classenterprise.
lead the trend of the times, has always beenone of the leading enterprises in the industry is fred\'s commitmentof career.we will give full play to thehigh degree of specialization, the advantages of solid technicalstrength, take the market as the guidance, by means of innovationand quality control, the brand management as the core, implementdifferentiation strategy, to improve and strengthen the customervalue chain, the forest, wood plastic to create the most brandvalue environment decoration expert.



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